Monday, October 02, 2006

Busy Weekend....but super FUN!

The new OCTOBER issue for the studio is here -!

Well, Friday we took our little leagers to see Facing the Giants! What an amazing movie! I suggest you see it ASAP!

Saturday I spent the day with my Momma! (Love you!) We had fun, just hanging out, scrapping, laughing, checking out the Elsie challenge. She has a new puppy, Daisy. She is so cute - 1/2 begal 1/2, and full of energy!
I have a new little sister.

Saturday night, Frank & I went to see Justin play - they won! He is such a super cool kid. We went out to eat to Tumbleweed after the game with some friends and some of the players. Had my usual - yummy chicken burrito plain. Justin went home with us & he and Bubba played playstation until the wee-hours of the morning.

That meant, I was stuck trying to get Justin up for church on Sunday morning. We made it just in time. After church, me & Justin grabbed Zaxby's and then went to the CUB game - where we won 28-7 - and our COLTS also won (just pulled though and beat the Jets).

Super fun - football weekend!


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