A Different View
So I'm trying to take better photos...thinking of different angles and views. My friend, Shawn, actually took this photo of me during our trip to Get Crafty Studios in West Virginia. I loved the old brick building that the studio was in. Love the metal staircases that encase the entire building. I'm trying to think out of the box and I really like the way this photo came out.
I'd love to take a photography class, but I'd probably have to spend a bundle on a camera first.
Hope you all are having a great weekend!
you dont need a crazy camera to take a photography class! just look at the requirements first... my class was a film class so i needed an slr - i used my dads old pentax camera. another class i was looking into was basic photo techniques and it just required any digital camera. not necessarily a digital slr.
i have a few photography books i got at barnes and noble... i really like them.. one is the joy of digital photography http://www.amazon.com/Joy-Digital-Photography-Lark-Book/dp/1579905781/sr=1-1/qid=1164607258/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-7100057-9434343?ie=UTF8&s=books i just saw there is a newer version than that one so i will have to check it out.
go to the book store and find a book that you like.. with most of them you can follow along even if you dont have an slr camera. there is so much online to help you learn too! online is cheaper and just as good though!
just seeing the pics gives me ideas on how to make mine better... another one I have is by better homes and gardens - scrapbooks, etc - http://www.bhg.com/bhg/store/product.jhtml?prodid=prd555250&psrc=storetop10
i like that one too and they have that one in michaels.
i have a lot of online resources if you want some help!! definitely check out danheller.com and check out his photography tips! i love his star trail photos!
OMG I love that layout!!!! Beautiful picture too :)
Great tips Alyssa! Thanks for the link :)
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