Friday, June 09, 2006

A small streak of bad luck...

1. trees fell in our backyard from storm and damaged our fence (chainsaw & patched).
2. scanner was on the fritz (now fixed).
3. boat engine was falling through floor (bought a new boat today).
4. took the truck through a car wash and it broke the passergerside windshield wiper (they said to send them the bill).
5. got some kind of itchy bug bites on me (benadryll cream is helping).
6. showed up for Paper DOLLS meeting and door were locked (had to get mgr. of center to come let us in).

There is probably more - but so much has happened that I just can't remember it all.

However - all the things that have gone bad this month...have all been fixed or repaired or taken care of. So, no need to worry about BAD LUCK with prayers and Jesus on your side. He will not ever give us anything more than we can handle.

Have a wonderful weekend and count your blessings!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true. We never are given more than we can handle. I count all of my drama as speed bumps in my month. Once I get past them I can speed up to the next bump.

Congrats on the design team!!!

6:47 AM  

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