Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just being bored...

Ok, I really don't have anything to write about, I'm just bored, so I thought I'd share with you a few of my favorite things in my purse.

Of course you can see my wallet, super cute ribbon on it. I picked it up at Cracker Barrel.
A girl can't go anywhere without her lip gloss. The pink tube is C.O.Bigelow Cinnamint Lip Shine from Bath & Body Works.
And that is Fresh Vanilla Body Cream from Bath & Body Works. (love that place!)
A small hair clip to keep the fly-aways tamed.
Bubblemint Orbitz gum - my very favorite.
My pink, Franklin Covey, calendar - to keep up with my super, busy schedule.
And last, but most important, Purell - to get those germies off!

(I just noticed, I have a lot of PINK in my purse!)

Here is another pic of Frank & I at the COLTS game. I took this on my cell phone....

And a pic of Frank & Gene - our very good friend that is serving in Afghanistan. Frank & Gene have know each other since basic training. We had the opportunity to have dinner with him & his fiance', KIM, while he was home for his 2 weeks R&R. I know the picture sucks, but again, taken from my cell phone....

*On another note, I got a new computer. It's super cool & so much faster than the old one. It was time for an update. However, I'm having issues with the scanner. I have not been able to get it running correctly.

*And on another note, my good friend, Nancye - is expecting her first GIRL!!! She & her husband have 3 boys and she just found out that she is having a sweet, baby girl. Due in January - they will name her Mary Beth. I'm super happy for her & her family. Congrats, Taylor family!



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